

''...because in Scotland, you have 4ϖ rain''
A quote from a fellow physicist at the GSI Phelix Laser facility when referring to Scottish weather, with 4ϖ referring to all directions, so rain comes horizontally and even upwards at times with the winds. Made me chuckle.

This blog is intended as a log of my outdoor adventures for those who would like to read them - be it for finding out where I am (if its my family!), or just to be nosy :) its all good stuff. I say what I think, and I tend to leave out the sugar coating!

Im a general outdoors kind of person and nowadays, im not a fan of sitting still for very long. Im always out doing stuff be that running, walking, climbing, scrambling, kayaking, canoeing, snowboarding, mountain biking, swimming, ...whatever it is, ill give anything a go at least once!

The one activity I do the most is running. I do a lot of that. Not because I love it the most, but just because its always there. If a day has gone to pot for whatever reason, or im going out to see the guys at a local club, or the weather was bad and ive nobody to come out to play, then I cal always run.
My latest thing is trail running, and racing too.
I do very much less of the others than I would like, largely because of time or money, but also because I like to go out to do them with other folks and those things are not always aligned!

Where can I see myself in a few years? Now theres a question!

What outdoor challenges/projects have I got on at the moment? Winter 2016/17 - I really want to solidify (perhaps with ice!!) my SML logbook, and also to get my WML logbook in a suitable position to get my training done. I would love love love to go and climb some nice GIII things this winter, and Tower Ridge if my balls allow me too and conditions are right :) There are some all out ice climbs that I would like to do as well like 'smoking the white owl' just because of the name... agh, there are loads but as long as I have a productive winter, then im a happy bunny!

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