A quieter easter weekend

I did have much grander hopes for this weekend, but as it turns out, the glorious weather that we lucked out with the past couple of years at easter weekends was not to be...sad face. On this basis, I totally failed to get excited enough to make a specific plan for things so we ended up winging it, which inevitably leads to not doing very much due to indecision! 

Flew back Thursday night which was great, was so excited to have a long weekend ahead as I was so tired! Got back and chilled out and slept the hell out of Friday morning which was awesome. Eventually pulled myself from a warm bed to get up and wander about town and go give blood for the first time which was something ive been meaning to do for years. In true Dave form, he went and ordered a new bike, to be fair he did need it! 

Saturday was a bit more outdoorsy, i'm getting used to the ly-ins by this point too :P, and eventually got up to Dave's mums place for a run with the dug, and followed that up with an EPIC afternoon tea with scones and stuff, undid all our good running work and I went out for my first paddle since my surgery in the horrible wind, rain and cold at Castle Semple loch. Was good to do but it was really hard work. I ran out of strength dead fast but no big pains! Win! Then back to the fort for another good nosh up.....so good....I love going up to Dave's mums at the best of times but she always feeds us so good too #massivefatty !!

Sunday was a bit of a crappy one, recovering from running etc, drinking beer in West on Glasgow Green....had to be done!

Finally Monday (today) we ended up getting up to Crianlarich to do a climb on Ben More and Stob Binnein. It was a big mixed bag of a day, wearing our very basic winter stuff as there was snow up top but it was weird below the snow line walking in B2's and with axes/crampons in my bag...felt like a right tool! Got better further up, the weather took a real wintery turn at about 8-900m, and we were soon breaking step and dealing with ice as if it was an early season winter day. Even got the crampons out on the way down from Stob Binnein to the bealach! Vis was like, 50-100m whenever you were above about 800m, which was the case all day except for the start, and until we'd been over Ben More, through the bealach and done the out and back to Stob Binnein, and then we descended below it and vis improved a lot. Then typically the weather improved! D'oh! These photos are Dave's as i forgot my phone....

Back to RAL for the last week then hopefully lots more adventures and.....training for glencoe begins....!! AAGGHHH! 


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