2 brewerie....wait no, Pentlands....round 2!

I was basically a bit of an idiot here. This is quite funny.

I waited and waited to sign up to the two breweries hill race until the very last minute until I could on the Thursday evening before the weekend race because I wanted to make sure that I was fit enough to to do it, and not broken etc.

Id heard from a colleague that a DofE expedition was going on a struggling for a pastoral care so i agreed to go along :) thought a gentle walk on the Friday and leaving early Saturday would put me in good stead for the race. Anyways went on the exped, cleared up sick, met some awesome folks, walked and camped in the rain, helped the students in the middle of the night and got up the next day and got a lift back into town when I had a sudden realisation that hang on, today is the 24th...shit.... so was the race!! I had missed it altogether!!!! It was a Saturday not a Sunday and I just failed to realise, I managed to plan my whole weekend around the wrong time....! I was so raging!

However, I did do a day out on the Pentland skyline again which was a good day, lovely sunny day but not too warm like last time...! I ran it the same way, and got round in a few minutes faster so no big change there. The big thing was that I wasnt half a knackered at the end, and i'd had a relatively relaxing day to be honest! I stopped to get a sarnie, faffed with my laces, and scuppered my finger on a barbed wire fence at the start so i spent the rest of the run with a kleenex from a random passer by who id helped out and a hairband on my finger to stop it getting dirty or bleeding on me!  4h31 minutes back to the ski centre apparently, I hope that this was a good final training run for Glencoe, as a time on legs its hopefully not a million miles away from what I hope to achieve, heres hoping for under 5 hours....! Just two more achilles heel sessions and an MRF to go.....eeeeek!! So close now!!

When I unravelled it later on!

The coos were posing at the end! 

Looking from the turnoff to Hare Hill

The east part of the route from the top

Stoopid fence!

Top of Castlelaw hill...red flags and wind!


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