Marcothon and December fun so far!

So i've been feeling a bit like this is me getting my legs back on this month. Which is about time really as i've been slacking at it a fair while now :) its been nice though, letting the injuries heal and not feeling the pressure kicking in at every turn... "you MUST go running or you'll be a failure at LIFE! ALL OF IT!" pahahaha. Thats the sort of voice that develops quite loudly in my brain when i'm on a training plan. And its nice to be free of it, but its also something I miss, as it does have a lovely structure to things and progress is definitely marked. Its a funny one. It definitely goes in cycles and nobody should feel bad about not being 'on plan' for a little while. I began my return, although I never really left, with this Marcothon thing. Its a guy called Marco Consani (married to another trail legend Debbie Martin-Consani) who felt that his motivation was lacking in December after presumably a year of racing etc. Its deflating when you get to the end of the season so I can relate to that :) So I thought, yeah alright i'm game,.... 25mins or 5k whichever comes first is the minimum you can do, miss it for a day and your out. Its like a big game and lots of trail running guys and achilles heel guys are playing it... so its fun to see others doing it too. Specially now as its getting a bit tough, were on day 19 currently...feels like ages although, the 5k run is getting to be as much a part of my routine as cleaning my teeth which is weird!! Been finding that I vary wildly in pace depending on how i'm feeling, and i'm mixing it up with ah sessions and an MRF session (if i ever make it to another one this year) so im getting in like 70km a week in small chunks so its good so far :) feel like im getting my legs back but it does mean that there is no recovery days at all so its hard going if you have a niggle....which I do at the moment with plantar fasciitis... its a weird one that ive not had before but heres hoping it goes away off to watch a film for a bit and rest up the foot! ... and eat Sabrine's amazing brownie i got from run club...... nom! 

Laters Potaters. 


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